— A pre-premiere and conversation, drag and joy.
This video is starring the drag activist Frida Marida (Hani Assaf, LEB) and artist and drag academic Cassie Brødskive (Jens Martin Hartvedt Arvesen, NOR) presenting a raw response — touching, teasing, and perceiving the architecture of the Preus Museum, Norway’s National Museum for Photography, February 2022. The work can be read not only as a reaction to the building itself — the hierarchies and social structures of the institution and the place as a historical site — but also relating to the idea of ‘performing in front of the camera’ in a direct and intuitive manner, using the photographic print as a tool in such investigations. Tonight: Meet the people involved. DJ Brødskive.
More info about the greatness at the ↗︎ National Museum and ↗︎ Kunstnernes Hus. FB event ↗︎ here. ↗︎ More about the video here. WATCH IT BELOW.